I expect my 'heart' icon to change when my ViewHolder item is clicked. Fortunately, it does this. However, an issue arises as multiple items seems to replicate the button click.
What I mean is: If I tap the heart on item number 1. Other items throughout the list replicate also change the heart. Why is this happening and what is a potential fix? I am confused why this issue is occuring as I am referencing the ViewHolder item. Thus, shouldn't it only affect the item I am clicking?
View Holder
fun bind(item: Location) {
heart.setOnClickListener {
item.fav = item.fav != true
when (item.fav) {
false -> (ContextCompat.getDrawable(itemView.context, R.drawable.ic_border_heart))
else -> (ContextCompat.getDrawable(itemView.context, R.drawable.ic_whole_heart))
onBindViewHolder you need to save list of fave in change item image base on that list otherwise it changes randomly as view recreates