Android Unit test: Error: EmptyFragmentActivity cannot be cast to BaseActivity. How to get Instance of an Activity which is not defined in Manifest?

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I am new to writing Android Test Cases. I am trying to write a test case for a project which is already developed. It has so many Activities and Fragments and we are using Navigation Graph for navigating the fragments.

I have started writing test cases from the first fragment and the code is as below:

val navController = TestNavHostController(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext())

val scenario = launchFragmentInContainer<SplashFragment>()
    // Get Auth Navigation
    Navigation.setViewNavController(it.requireView(), navController)

Now my SplashFragment contains few methods which have checks like

fun getAppName(): String {
    return (activity as BaseActivity).getAppName()

Here, the BaseActivity is the activity which extends AppCompatActivity and it is not defined in my AndroidManifest file.

When I execute the test, I am getting an exception like:$EmptyFragmentActivity cannot be cast to

Can anyone please help me with this?


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