Getting the below error:
"Error:(30, 24) error: incompatible types: TabMyMatesActivity cannot be converted to Fragment".
I'm new to android development. Initially the code works fine. But now its showing the error. Can Anyone help me with this issue?
package com.example.mmp.myapplication;
//Extending FragmentStatePagerAdapter
public class Pager extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {
//integer to count number of tabs
int tabCount;
//Constructor to the class
public Pager(FragmentManager fm, int tabCount) {
//Initializing tab count
this.tabCount= tabCount;
//Overriding method getItem
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
//Returning the current tabs
switch (position) {
case 0:
TabMyMatesActivity tab1 = new TabMyMatesActivity();
return tab1;
case 1:
TabRequestsActivity tab2 = new TabRequestsActivity();
return tab2;
case 2:
TabSuggestionsActivity tab3 = new TabSuggestionsActivity();
return tab3;
case 3:
TabContactsActivity tab4 = new TabContactsActivity();
return tab4;
return null;
//Overriden method getCount to get the number of tabs
public int getCount() {
return tabCount;
is not aFragment
. That is the reason for the cast failure (cast is when you convert a reference of one object type to another type).What I suggest you do is convert the "screens" you want in the view pager from activities into fragments. If you still want to use them as activities on some cases, you should create individual activities and each of those should contain one of the fragments. This way will allow you to reuse the fragments.
So for example your code should look somewhat like this:
I suggest you read the fragment documentation before you continue so you can better understand this.