android react-native-iap 12 requestPurchase

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I updated my app to "react-native": "0.72.4", and I use "react-native-iap": "12.10.7". but requestPurchase function is not working correctly in android anymore.

******other codes*****
const purchaseRequest = createAsyncThunk(
    async ({ skuID }: { skuID : string }, { dispatch }) => {
        try {
            if (Platform.OS == "ios") {
               await requestPurchase({ sku: skuID })
            } else {
               await requestPurchase({ skus: [skuID] }) 
        catch (error) {
            devlog('Error occurred while making purchase',error)
******other codes*****

I read documentations but I couldn't find anything more than this answer and it's not working : requestPurchase(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? { sku } : { skus: [sku] });

the error I get is :

{"code": "E_SERVICE_ERROR", "debugMessage": "", "message": "Billing is unavailable. This may be a problem with your device, or the Play Store may be down.", "responseCode": 3} 

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