Android-ndk with eclipse: How to force reinstallation of apk

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I'm developing a library in c++ using the android NDK. Actually i created my project in android with both java and c++ sources. I can compile and run my project and all works fine.

Now i would like to force eclipse to reinstall the apk on the phone even if the java code is unchanged but something changed on the c++ side. Infact if i just change my c++ code and i launch the application the new library is not uploaded on the phone.

Do you know how i could achieve the result?

Thanks a lot!


There are 2 answers


I have encountered this problem too.

To solve this, you could touch a random java file in your project each time you compile the NDK project (easiest is to add it to the NDK makefile).
This way Eclipse is "fooled" into re-creating the APK.

Open the Eclipse Workspace containing your project and then enable Window | Preferences | General | Workspace | Refresh automatically. Otherwise, you may need to refresh the Workspace manually (F5) before Eclipse will detect the changed file(s) and rebuild the APK.

Judd On

Rather than touching a source file, I prefer deleting the apk file. With the "Refresh Automaticaly" option enabled, I found that it immediatly rebuilds the apk.

So I added that to my build. Here's my build alias:

alias b='ndk-build; rm -v ./bin/*.apk'