How to execute a .so file if process = new ProcessBuilder(new String[]{"su", "-c", "exec " + is returning 0 without any sign of execution happening.
I have compiled a .c file using cmake and storing it as a library (.so). However, when trying to execute the library (which has to run the main() function) nothing is happening while the process exit value is 0 (no error).
I tried to write to a file that I created to test if the library is being executed but nothing happened too. the file remained empty.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
FILE* file = fopen("/data/local/tmp/log.txt","w+");
if (file != NULL)
fputs("Running\n", file);
Moreover, I couldn't find the cmake log file is it because the library has not executed? how can i access the log file then if i added the log library in my cmakelist.txt as follows:
log )
${log-lib} )
The execute command did not work instead a workaround was to develop a function that the JAVA class can call which in return call the main function. My Main function needed two arguments a char array (argv) and the length of the array (argc) to be passed.
As for the logs, they would be available in the debugger or Logcat.