I am trying to capture the preview of the camera on a surfaceview ,to save it as a JPEG in the internal memory. I found some code here on this site, that does mostly I want but saves the image to the SD Card. I changed that, and came up with the following code.
Camera.PreviewCallback mPrevCallback = new Camera.PreviewCallback()
public void onPreviewFrame( byte[] data, Camera Cam ) {
//Log.d(TAG, "FRAME");
Camera.Parameters parameters = Cam.getParameters();
int format = parameters.getPreviewFormat();
//Log.d(TAG, "FORMAT:" + format);
//YUV formats require more conversion
if (format == ImageFormat.NV21 || format == ImageFormat.YUY2 || format == ImageFormat.NV16) {
int w = parameters.getPreviewSize().width;
int h = parameters.getPreviewSize().height;
// Get the YuV image
YuvImage yuv_image = new YuvImage(data, format, w, h, null);
// Convert YuV to Jpeg
Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, w, h);
ByteArrayOutputStream output_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
yuv_image.compressToJpeg(rect, 100, output_stream);
byte[] byt = output_stream.toByteArray();
FileOutputStream outStream = null;
try {
outStream = new FileOutputStream("/data/data/com.example.max.camtest/files/test"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".jpg");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
The preview is shown on the surfaceview and the mPrevCallback is triggered.It successfully saves pictures that have diffrent sizes (250~500Kb) but they are all black. When I try to capture a picture with the camera.takePicture function is it also black.
What Am I doing wrong? How can I debug this? Thanks!
Use this intent to take picture
and on Your Activity Result....
Note Bitmap bitmap = getScaledBitmap(uri.getPath(), 200, true);
200 is your max image size.This method ll return image bitmap after resizing it-
Now you have scaled bitmap image.
Hope this ll help you.