I have a ListView which shows some certain contacts from phone book. I use this https://stackoverflow.com/a/10235381/1809507 as Cache class and use AsyncTask.
When a contact does not have a photo I use a default one. I set the default one inside XML. When I use the following methods to set the contact photo only if it exists and I scroll the listview those contacts that do not have photo start to get other contacts photo. If I get from retrieveContactPhoto method the default photo as Bitmap and not null and assign to imageview, it works great but I think this is not a good solution when there are many contacts without photos because I would cache the same default photo multiple times. Or I am wrong?
protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... args)
Bitmap bm = HelpClasses.retrieveContactPhoto(contextInput, HelpClasses.fetchContactIdFromPhoneNumber(contextInput, phoneNumber));
if(bm != null)
synchronized (cache)
cache.put(phoneNumber, bm);
return bm;
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap result)
if(mView != null && result != null)
I think you are looking for this library: https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader
Or, you might want a more "google" one: https://code.google.com/p/libs-for-android/wiki/ImageLoader
You can leave all the image binding, fetching, caching stuff to the library.