Android HCE issue

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I'm working on my NFC-HCE project for Android. I stuck into a problem that my app doesn't recognize APDU SELECT Query.

I'm using ACL122U reader powered by chrome-nfc with Forum Type 4 support and APDU_SELECT query goes like 00A4040007F039414848483500. I checked it many time, there can't be error in AID. I tried to change several times, I found the working app on the Net which was working when I changed AID in my chrome-nfc. I guess there is something about manifest problem or service launching problem. I will appreciate any help.


<service android:name=".myHostApduService" 
                <action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE"/>
            <meta-data android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.host_apdu_service"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<host-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
    <aid-group android:description="@string/aiddescription"

        <aid-filter android:name="F0394148484835"/>

public class myHostApduService extends HostApduService {

    private static final String TAG = "myHostApduService";

    private static final byte[] APDU_SELECT = {
            (byte)0x00, // CLA  - Class - Class of instruction
            (byte)0xA4, // INS  - Instruction - Instruction code
            (byte)0x04, // P1   - Parameter 1 - Instruction parameter 1
            (byte)0x00, // P2   - Parameter 2 - Instruction parameter 2
            (byte)0x07, // Lc field - Number of bytes present in the data field of the command
            (byte)0xF0, (byte)0x39, (byte)0x41, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x48, (byte)0x35, // NDEF Tag Application name
            (byte)0x00  // Le field - Maximum number of bytes expected in the data field of the response to the command

    private static final byte[] CAPABILITY_CONTAINER = {
            (byte)0x00, // CLA  - Class - Class of instruction
            (byte)0xa4, // INS  - Instruction - Instruction code
            (byte)0x00, // P1   - Parameter 1 - Instruction parameter 1
            (byte)0x0c, // P2   - Parameter 2 - Instruction parameter 2
            (byte)0x02, // Lc field - Number of bytes present in the data field of the command
            (byte)0xe1, (byte)0x03 // file identifier of the CC file

    private static final byte[] READ_CAPABILITY_CONTAINER = {
            (byte)0x00, // CLA  - Class - Class of instruction
            (byte)0xb0, // INS  - Instruction - Instruction code
            (byte)0x00, // P1   - Parameter 1 - Instruction parameter 1
            (byte)0x00, // P2   - Parameter 2 - Instruction parameter 2
            (byte)0x0f  // Lc field - Number of bytes present in the data field of the command

    // In the scenario that we have done a CC read, the same byte[] match
    // for ReadBinary would trigger and we don't want that in succession
    private boolean READ_CAPABILITY_CONTAINER_CHECK = false;

    private static final byte[] READ_CAPABILITY_CONTAINER_RESPONSE = {
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x0F, // CCLEN length of the CC file
            (byte)0x20, // Mapping Version 2.0
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x3B, // MLe maximum 59 bytes R-APDU data size
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x34, // MLc maximum 52 bytes C-APDU data size
            (byte)0x04, // T field of the NDEF File Control TLV
            (byte)0x06, // L field of the NDEF File Control TLV
            (byte)0xE1, (byte)0x04, // File Identifier of NDEF file
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x32, // Maximum NDEF file size of 50 bytes
            (byte)0x00, // Read access without any security
            (byte)0x00, // Write access without any security
            (byte)0x90, (byte)0x00 // A_OKAY

    private static final byte[] NDEF_SELECT = {
            (byte)0x00, // CLA  - Class - Class of instruction
            (byte)0xa4, // Instruction byte (INS) for Select command
            (byte)0x00, // Parameter byte (P1), select by identifier
            (byte)0x0c, // Parameter byte (P1), select by identifier
            (byte)0x02, // Lc field - Number of bytes present in the data field of the command
            (byte)0xE1, (byte)0x04 // file identifier of the NDEF file retrieved from the CC file

    private static final byte[] NDEF_READ_BINARY_NLEN = {
            (byte)0x00, // Class byte (CLA)
            (byte)0xb0, // Instruction byte (INS) for ReadBinary command
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, // Parameter byte (P1, P2), offset inside the CC file
            (byte)0x02  // Le field

    private static final byte[] NDEF_READ_BINARY_GET_NDEF = {
            (byte)0x00, // Class byte (CLA)
            (byte)0xb0, // Instruction byte (INS) for ReadBinary command
            (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, // Parameter byte (P1, P2), offset inside the CC file
            (byte)0x0f  //  Le field

    private static final byte[] A_OKAY = {
            (byte)0x90,  // SW1 Status byte 1 - Command processing status
            (byte)0x00   // SW2 Status byte 2 - Command processing qualifier

    private static final byte[] NDEF_ID = {

    private NdefRecord NDEF_URI = new NdefRecord(
            "Hello world, bitch!".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))
    private byte[] NDEF_URI_BYTES = NDEF_URI.toByteArray();
    private byte[] NDEF_URI_LEN = BigInteger.valueOf(NDEF_URI_BYTES.length).toByteArray();

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

        if (intent.hasExtra("ndefMessage")) {
            NDEF_URI = new NdefRecord(

            NDEF_URI_BYTES = NDEF_URI.toByteArray();
            NDEF_URI_LEN = BigInteger.valueOf(NDEF_URI_BYTES.length).toByteArray();

            Context context = getApplicationContext();
            CharSequence text = "Your NDEF text has been set!";
            int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
            Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);
            toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

        Log.i(TAG, "onStartCommand() | NDEF" + NDEF_URI.toString());

        return 0;

    public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] commandApdu, Bundle extras) {

        // The following flow is based on Appendix E "Example of Mapping Version 2.0 Command Flow"
        // in the NFC Forum specification
        Log.i(TAG, "processCommandApdu() | incoming commandApdu: " + utils.bytesToHex(commandApdu));

        // First command: NDEF Tag Application select (Section 5.5.2 in NFC Forum spec)
        if (utils.isEqual(APDU_SELECT, commandApdu)) {
            Log.i(TAG, "APDU_SELECT triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(A_OKAY));
            return A_OKAY;

        // Second command: Capability Container select (Section 5.5.3 in NFC Forum spec)
        if (utils.isEqual(CAPABILITY_CONTAINER, commandApdu)) {
            Log.i(TAG, "CAPABILITY_CONTAINER triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(A_OKAY));
            return A_OKAY;

        // Third command: ReadBinary data from CC file (Section 5.5.4 in NFC Forum spec)
            Log.i(TAG, "READ_CAPABILITY_CONTAINER triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(READ_CAPABILITY_CONTAINER_RESPONSE));

        // Fourth command: NDEF Select command (Section 5.5.5 in NFC Forum spec)
        if (utils.isEqual(NDEF_SELECT, commandApdu)) {
            Log.i(TAG, "NDEF_SELECT triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(A_OKAY));
            return A_OKAY;

        // Fifth command:  ReadBinary, read NLEN field
        if (utils.isEqual(NDEF_READ_BINARY_NLEN, commandApdu)) {

            byte[] start = {

            // Build our response
            byte[] response = new byte[start.length + NDEF_URI_LEN.length + A_OKAY.length];

            System.arraycopy(start, 0, response, 0, start.length);
            System.arraycopy(NDEF_URI_LEN, 0, response, start.length, NDEF_URI_LEN.length);
            System.arraycopy(A_OKAY, 0, response, start.length + NDEF_URI_LEN.length, A_OKAY.length);

            Log.i(TAG, response.toString());
            Log.i(TAG, "NDEF_READ_BINARY_NLEN triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(response));

            return response;

        // Sixth command: ReadBinary, get NDEF data
        if (utils.isEqual(NDEF_READ_BINARY_GET_NDEF, commandApdu)) {
            Log.i(TAG, "processCommandApdu() | NDEF_READ_BINARY_GET_NDEF triggered");

            byte[] start = {

            // Build our response
            byte[] response = new byte[start.length + NDEF_URI_LEN.length + NDEF_URI_BYTES.length + A_OKAY.length];

            System.arraycopy(start, 0, response, 0, start.length);
            System.arraycopy(NDEF_URI_LEN, 0, response, start.length, NDEF_URI_LEN.length);
            System.arraycopy(NDEF_URI_BYTES, 0, response, start.length + NDEF_URI_LEN.length, NDEF_URI_BYTES.length);
            System.arraycopy(A_OKAY, 0, response, start.length + NDEF_URI_LEN.length + NDEF_URI_BYTES.length, A_OKAY.length);

            Log.i(TAG, NDEF_URI.toString());
            Log.i(TAG, "NDEF_READ_BINARY_GET_NDEF triggered. Our Response: " + utils.bytesToHex(response));

            Context context = getApplicationContext();
            CharSequence text = "NDEF text has been sent to the reader!";
            int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
            Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);
            toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

            return response;

        // We're doing something outside our scope
        //, "processCommandApdu() | I don't know what's going on!!!.");
        return "Can I help you?".getBytes();

    public void onDeactivated(int reason) {
        Log.i(TAG, "onDeactivated() Fired! Reason: " + reason);

public class sendOverNFCActivity extends Activity{

    private static final String TAG = "sendOverNFCActivity";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Button setNdef = (Button) findViewById(;
        setNdef.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                                       public void onClick(View view) {

                                           // Technically, if this is past our byte limit,
                                           // it will cause issues.
                                           // TODO: add validation
                                           TextView getNdefString = (TextView) findViewById(;
                                           String test = getNdefString.getText().toString();

                                           Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), myHostApduService.class);
                                           intent.putExtra("ndefMessage", test);

    public void onResume() {

    public void onPause() {

    public void onStop() {

    public void onDestroy() {

The problem is that public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] commandApdu, Bundle extras) never runs and app sending 6a82 every time in response that mean file/app was not found. I totally can't understand why this happens even if AID is correct.


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