I'm trying to use a ExpandableListView with loader but i have some problem. My objectif is to make a first query on my database and i group it by month, then for each month made a query for all depense by month. I'm using a custom content provider for access my database.I haven't probleme to initiate my groupView but i'm in trouble for my childView.I'don't know how to make my query... my fisrt query: SELECT month,amount FROM OutGoUrlData GROUP BY month ORDER BY month ; and my second for the childView: SELECT amount FROM OutGoUrlData WHERE month = XXX AND nameCarId = 1; where XXX is depend of my parent group
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
expandableListView = (ExpandableListView)this.findViewById(R.id.expandableListView);
Log.d("treeadaptertag", "OutGoActivity thread : " + Thread.currentThread());
debugId = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.infoIdDebug_out_go);
// initSpinner();
Intent i = this.getIntent();
s = i.getLongExtra("id", -1);//From main activity
String[] groupFrom={DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_MONTH};
int[] groupTo={android.R.id.text1};
String[] childFrom={DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_DATE,DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_AMOUNT};
int[] childTo={R.id.out_go_textview,R.id.amount_textView};
outGoSimpleCursorTreeAdapter = new OutGoSimpleCursorTreeAdapter(this,
getLoaderManager().initLoader(-1, null, this);
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int loaderID, Bundle args) {
Log.d(OUTGO_TAG, "onCreateLoader OutGoActivity");
String[] projectionChild = {DataCarContract._ID, DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_AMOUNT, DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_PRICE,DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_DATE};
String selectionChild = DataCarContract.OUTGO_NAME_CAR_ID + "=? AND " + DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_MONTH+" =?";
String[] selectionChildArgs = {String.valueOf(s), String.valueOf(XXX)};//need value of the group parent month???
String[] projectionBill = {DataCarContract._ID, DataCarContract.BILL_TYPE};
if(loaderID ==-2){
return new CursorLoader(this, DataCarContract.BILLURL_TABLE_CONTENTURI, projectionBill, null, null, null);
else if(loaderID != -1){
//Child cursor id
return new CursorLoader(this,DataCarContract.OUTGOURL_TABLE_CONTENTURI,projectionChild,selectionChild ,selectionChildArgs,null);
//Parent cursor id
String[] projectionGroup = {DataCarContract._ID, DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_MONTH};
String selectionParent = DataCarContract.OUTGO_NAME_CAR_ID + "=? ";
String[] selectionArgsParents = {String.valueOf(s)};
CursorLoader cl = new CursorLoader(this,DataCarContract.OUTGOURL_TABLE_CONTENTURI,projectionGroup,selectionParent+" GROUP BY (" + DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_MONTH+ ")",selectionArgsParents ,null);
return cl;
Here is my methode for get the child view from my adapter(I extend SimpleCursorTreeAdapter)
protected Cursor getChildrenCursor(Cursor groupCursor) {
Log.d(SIMPLE_CURSOR_TREE_TAG, "getChildrenCursor");
int id = groupCursor.getInt(groupCursor.getColumnIndex(DataCarContract.COLUMN_NAME_ROWID));
int pos = groupCursor.getPosition();
//String month = groupCursor.getString(groupCursor.getColumnIndex(DataCarContract.OUTGO_COLUMN_MONTH));
hashMap.put(id, pos);
Loader<Cursor> childCursorLoader = ctxOut.getLoaderManager().getLoader(id);
if (childCursorLoader!=null &&!childCursorLoader.isReset() ){
return null;
My problem is that i need data from my cursor to made my query but i don't know how to "pass" my data from my adapter to my loader. Here is a picture that what i need. enter image description here May be a better solution....? Can you help me please.