Android does startActivity() calls get stacked?

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I have recently started working with android. So I am in the initial stages of learning.

The question is: when we call startActivty(Intent) in the middle of execution of another activity.I actually thought that startActivity() will simply jump into the activity called. Isn't it the case? does it simply stacks the call to the activity? I am getting this doubt bcoz..I actually have a program in which Activity A has a loop. Some where in the middle of loop Activity B is called. I want activity A to resume with the loop only when activity B finishes. I have made a call in A's loop like this:

in = new Intent(this,MyChoiceActivity.class);
in.putExtra("McObj", mc);

So What happens is Activity A calls B, but B is not entered, A simply resumes the loop and again calls B, simply the calls to B are stacked and once the loop in A completes, one by one calls to B in stack are executed so finally the first call to B is executed last(last in first out)...But I dont want the order to change...If A calls B, it should simply go and execute B and only then come to the loop..what should I do to accomplish this?


There are 1 answers

Nanne On

Your activity can be busy and just 'be there'. If you start a new activity while your activity is really doing something, it will not 'wait' until the other activity is finished: both can be around at the same time. If it would do this, it would have you end up with a lot of busy-waiting processes, so luckily this is not what happens.

See the activity lifecycle to find out more about what an activity is (it is not just another class as you are using it now, it starts a separate thing that hangs around next to (not instead of / on top of) your current activity).

Instead, beacuse these things go rather asynchronous, you might want to use a different approach: use an ActivityForResult, and start a new one when you get that result.