Android: define which attributes a custom view uses for content assist

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I've got some custom views and custom defined attributes. I'd like to define which attributes my views use so that eclipse can use that for content-assist.

For example, I've got a custom xml attribute declared like so in my res/values folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <declare-styleable name="TagAttrs">
        <attr name="spColor" format="color" />

And my layout file uses a custom view with the custom attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        app:spColor="#FF00FF" >

If I use the android: prefix, eclipse presents all the options it would for a LinearLayout (from which TestView derives), but if I use the app: prefix, it shows in red at the bottom that "Element com.twp.TestView not available". Also, if I try content-assist inside of spColor, it says "Content Assist not available at the current location." I would think since I defined the "app" namespace, it would be able to find my stylable declaration and at least know that spColor is a color.

So it this just a limitation of eclipse, or can I explicitly define a view's custom attributes?


There are 1 answers


I believe the value for the name attribute in declare-styleable needs to match the unqualified name of the associated class or the unqualified name of a superclass of the associated class. So if the direct superclass of TestView is LinearLayout, then the value of the name attribute in the associated declare-styleable should be TestView, not TagAttrs.