I have three build types, and I am trying to get the staging
build type to run but I am getting the following error:
Error: The apk for your currently selected variant (app-staging-unsigned.apk) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for the variant (staging).
Is there a way for me to run staging
without signing, as like a second debug?
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER", '"dev.gamesmart.com"'
staging {
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER", '"staging.gamesmart.com"'
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER", '"gamesmart.com"'
This says "have
start as a clone ofdebug
, then we'll modify from there", sostaging
should apply thedebug
signing config.