To get a large amount of image into my app I use AssetPackManager, and that works well, up to Android 14, where the following error is produced:
Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isn't being registered exclusively for system broadcasts.
Looking around for solutions, both in code and on the internet, I could not find anything. The log points to the next code:
assetPackManager?.let {
And that uses:
var mAssetPackStateUpdateListener = AssetPackStateUpdateListener { state ->
Checked Google Play Asset Delivery library: implementation ''
But I cannot find where to set RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED.
What I am going to dig into is where the OS UI shows the download. I have no receivers on that, but the OS does show something is going on.
Has anyone experience with this error in combination with Asset Packs?
CommonsWare put me on the right track.
Android AssetPack have been changed somewhere in the last few years.
is deprecated!Use the following (or newer, check link)
So, I was using an old library and testing, with hundreds op people, did not pick this up...
*Will come back to see if this fixes things in the wild.