android - add actionbarsherlock to project already refer to appcompat_v7

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I create project refer to appcompat_v7 then I want add action bar shelock library I find many error

This one From what I got :

[2014-11-17 10:46:16 - HoroScop] C:\Users\Pc\apps\appcompat_v7\res\values\attrs.xml:32: error: Attribute "windowActionBar" has already been defined

my tries :

1- clean build many times

2- delete all support library v.4 and add it from android tools to get last version in the library and my project


There are 1 answers

Gabriele Mariotti On BEST ANSWER

You can't use AppCompat and ActionBarSherlock together because they are using the attributes/resources. By the way, with android 21, you should use the AppCompat.