I have an Android intentservice for uploading files to server. The files will be added to the intentservice queue for every 1 min.It is working fine in the android devices with OS less than 5.0.1. But in android 5.0.1 while uploading the file, if network is lost, I am not getting any response, not throwing any exception and the intent service is blocked. Files are not uploading from that point. I have to restart the app in order to make the service work again. Below is the code I have in onHandleIntent method.
int ReadBytes = 0;
int BUFSIZ = 4096;
byte Buf[] = new byte[BUFSIZ];
outputStream = conn.getOutputStream();
dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(outputStream);
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(source);
long prevBytesRead = 0;
ReadBytes = fileInputStream.read(Buf, 0, BUFSIZ);
dataOutputStream.write(Buf, 0, ReadBytes);
prevBytesRead += ReadBytes;
long totalbytes = fileInputStream.getChannel().size();
ReadBytes = fileInputStream.read(Buf, 0, BUFSIZ);
Any help would be appreciated.
You are probably leaking the stream, you should try wrapping it in a try/catch block:
Perhaps you should take a look at Facebook's infer tool: fbinfer.com , very useful for these situations.