Amplify creates relationship between models even though schema.graphql doesnt specify any

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I am facing a weird issue where the amplify-cli creates a relationship stack between Foo and Bar model eventhough I have not specified any as you can see in the screenshot

type Foo @model (queries: null, mutations: null, subscriptions: null) {
  id: ID! @primaryKey
  name: String! @index(name: "byName", queryField: "fooByName")
  description: String

type Bar @model (queries: null, mutations: null, subscriptions: null) {
  id: ID! @primaryKey
  name: String! @index(name: "byName", queryField: "barByName")
  description: String

in build/cloudformation-template.json, I see that the Resources.Bar.Parameters has an entry which doesnt make sense

"referencetotransformerrootstackFooNestedStackFooNestedStackResource8AC2D3F9OutputstransformerrootstackFooQueryfooByNamepostAuth0FunctionQueryfooByNamepostAuth0FunctionAppSyncFunction82371669FunctionId": {
                    "Fn::GetAtt": [

I created 2 different models Foo and Bar without any relationship so I am not expecting any relationship to exist between Foo and Bar in cloudformation-template.json


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