I have integrated amazon polly to one of my project in swift and asking it to TTS multiple set of text strings. Certainly I am using there below set of instructions to play sound:
builder.continueOnSuccessWith { (awsTask: AWSTask<NSURL>) ->
Any? in
// The result of getPresignedURL task is NSURL.
// Again, we ignore the errors in the example.
let url = awsTask.result!
// Try playing the data using the system AVAudioPlayer
self.audioPlayer.replaceCurrentItem(with: AVPlayerItem(url: url as URL))
return nil
While debug I found that replaceCurrentItem is adding a new item to play and ignoring the previous. I would like to have some suggestions as how the polly handle such multiple calls within its framework.
Any help appreciated! Thanks
I could able to make this work by inserting each operation to AVQueuePlayer and playing at last, but I am keen to know how amazon handle's multiple file play in polly