Amazon Corretto 11 docker image for windows container

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I am looking for an image of Amazon Corretto 11 (JRE only) specifically for windows container, as I have to run it on Windows Server. I tried looking for it in the docker repo but couldn't find one. Is there any other repository which provides Corretto JRE only docker images for windows containers?


There are 1 answers

Gonzales Gokhan On

If you check their github page for Coretto-Docker . you can see there is no windows container version Docker file which means they don't have an ofifical image . Your options are

  • Running Linux containers under Windows Server through Docker (i asumme you use Docker Runtime)
  • Get their Linux alpine Docker file and change the base image to nano-server and change relevant directives for windows . You can see Corretto 11 JRE Docker file under here . you can build your version.