I need to write a SQL Server 2008R2 compatible script to create a share. The script will be executed from inside VB6 code but I am pretty sure that's a moot point here.
The following is PSEUDOCODE at the end
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[create_Server_share]
@TheShare VARCHAR(50),
IF (@TheDIR IS NULL) -- ALLUSERSPROFILE usually C:\Programdata
I already see that ENVREFERENCE
is NOT available in SQL Server 2008 R2 (which is the oldest version I have to accomodate for our clients)
But I am not married to using ENVREFERENCE
either - I just want the HOST MACHINE to give me its environment return for ALLUSERSPROFILE (obviously I should not grab this value from the executing code in the application because I will be getting the CLIENT's value instead of the desired HOST server's value; hence my desire to execute it from the T-SQL script)
So do any SQL guru's have some insight into this?
Thanks in advance.
Can't say this is completely bulletproof, but I past the first few dozen tests. Thanks to Jeroen Mostert I realized I had my access to %ALLUSERSPROFILES% already on the Host server. the script then became something I could do...
Hope this is useful to someone. You guys always come through for me!