Here's what I'm trying to do: set up a backup server on Google Compute Engine, where employees at my company can have their computers backup nightly via rdiffbackup. A cron job will run that runs rdiffbackup, which uses SSH to send files just like SCP.
With a "normal" server, I can create each employee a new user, and set permissions so they cannot read another employee's files.
It seems like using the "gcloud compute ssh" tool, or configuring regular ssh using "gcloud compute config-ssh", only allows you to allow users to connect who are added to the project and have connected their computer to their google account. My issue with this is that I don't see a way for a user to have read-write abilities on a server without also being a sudoer (anyone added to a project with "Can Edit" can get sudo as far as I know). Obviously if they have sudo, they can read others' files.
Can I give someone the ability to SSH remotely without having sudo? Thank you.
I recommend avoiding gcloud all together for this. gcloud's SSH tools are geared towards easily administering a constantly changing set of machines in your project. It is not made to cover all use cases that would also use SSH.
Instead, I recommend you setup your backup service as you would a normal server: