I am designing an app that will come bundled with some audio files. They'll total about 50MB in size. The app will allow you to download other audio files via in-app purchase. My goal is to have all of these files stored in one location (the Documents Directory).
What I'm doing in my code is this:
- On first launch, copy the bundled songs from Main Bundle Resources to the documents directory.
- Delete the files from their original location in the Main Bundle Resources.
I have all of this working fine so I know it's possible to do. My question is can anyone point me to Apple documentation/guidelines that says I'm not allowed to do this? Or, is this perfectly acceptable according to Apple's guidelines? I know they don't want you writing to the Resources folder, but haven't been able to find a definitive answer on deleting.
The documentation you're looking for is in the App Distribution Guide [emphasis mine]:"
That said, as I noted in my comments on @Wain's answer, this probably isn't a great thing to do if the files are read-only. It adds a big copy step on first launch, and you have to deal with it again on every upgrade.