it's some weeks that I try to create a good cascade classifier but it seems that this process is surrounded by mystery. I have a lot of questions:
1) Why opencv give us so little information?
2) It needs more positive images or negative images?
3) What size should have positive images? And negative images? They must have all the same size?
4) if I want to create a classifier for a single road sign is enough a single positive image like this to create samples with opencv_createsamples?
5) To create a classifier used on an android app is better Haar or LBP?
6) what is the right number of stages?
7) What is the right value for minHitRate and maxFalseAlarmRate?
7.I did not play with this parameters, i always leave them with defaults but you can check here about traincascade paremeters, samples, and other... for explanations.
Also check this question and answer How to train cascade properly and FAQ - HAARTraining