Alipay payments fail with "The order data cannot be recognized..."

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My customers are getting the following error message while trying to pay using Alipay: 订单信息无法识别,建议联系卖家 which translates to "The order information cannot be recognized, it is recommended to contact the seller". Here's a screenshot sent by a client who tried to make a payment:

enter image description here

On the Payments tab, I get a lot of these:

An attempt to fulfil the payment pi_1IjEunFotp...ZOgn6o for CN¥34.45 failed evt_1IjFr2...Se3s4 23/04/2021, 04:38:56

The purchase cycle works OK in test mode.

I contacted Stripe support and they got back to me with a lengthy email that might as well have been written by GPT-3. At times it went into details of what 3D Secure is and how it works. Overall it contained zero new information and no one even cared to look at the underlying cause.

Anyone seen this before?


There are 1 answers

Shao Jun On

I got exactly same error message when integrating Alipay through Stripe. Contacting Alipay customer support revealed: the reason was that our production type (virtual product without shipping) was not approved by Alipay's registration process. So it's not Stripe's problem, just it's not allowed by Alipay side.

My guess is that virtual products may not be allowed to use Alipay oversea under some Chinese gov's regulations.