I have 3 buttons one below the other.The requirement is , all should be centrally aligned.Also the dynamic contents should fit in these 3 buttons.Please help me with this issue. I have only a vague understanding about content hugging, compression resistance and intrinsic content size.Thank you very much in advance.
Aligning 3 buttons with dynamic contents in objective C using Autolayout
142 views Asked by iOSManiac At
There are 2 answers

Embed all UIBUtton
s within a UIStackView
and set the stackViews properties to you needs.
To get the idea, see this answer.
Note: UIStackView
is only available under iOS >= 9.
iOS 9
and later:Use
to embed all yourbuttons
and set thatstack view
in centre of theview
. For dynamic content, setstackView's
greater than equalrelation
iOS 8
and earlier:Just use
Instead ofUIStackView
. Rest of the things will be same.