Algorithm for concurrent access to resource(s) on database

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Some time ago we implemented a warehouse management app that keeps track of quantities of each product we have in the store. We solved the problem of concurrent access to data with database locks (select for update), but this approach led to poor performance when many clients try to consume product quantities from the same store. Note that we manage only a small set of product types (less than 10) so the degree of concurrency could be heavy (also, we don't care of stock re-fill). We thought to split each resource quantity in smaller "buckets", but this approach could lead to starvation for clients that try to consume a quantity that is bigger than each bucket capacity: we should manage buckets merge and so on... My question is: there are some broadly-accepted solutions to this problem? I also looked for academic articles but the topic seems too wide.

P.S. 1: our application runs in a clustered environment, so we cannot rely on the application concurrency control. The question aims to find an algorithm that structures and manages the data in a different way than a single row, but keeping all the advantages that a db transaction (using locks or not) has.

P.S. 2: for your info, we manage a wide number of similar warehouses, the example focuses on a single one, but we keep all the data in one db (prices are all the same, etc).


There are 1 answers

Zim-Zam O'Pootertoot On

Edit: The setup below will still work on a cluster if you use a queueing program that can coordinate among multiple processes / servers, e.g. RabbitMQ.

You can also use a simpler queueing algorithm that only uses the database, with the downside that it requires polling (whereas a system like RabbitMQ allows threads to block until a message is available). Create a Requests table with a column for unique requestIds (e.g. a random UUID) that acts as the primary key, a timestamp column, a respourceType column, and an integer requestedQuantity column. You'll also need a Logs table with a unique requestId column that acts as the primary key, a timestamp column, a resourceType column, an integer requestQuantity column, and a boolean/tinyint/whatever success column.

When a client requests a quantity of ResourceX it generates a random UUID and adds a row to the Requests table using the UUID as the requestId, and then polls the Logs table for the requestId. If the success column is true then the request succeeded, else it failed.

The server with the database assigns one thread or process to each resource, e.g. ProcessX is in charge of ResourceX. ProcessX retrieves all rows from the Requests table where resourceType = ResourceX, sorted by timestamp, and then deletes them from Requests; it then processes each request in order, decrementing an in-memory counter for each successful request, and at the end of processing the requests it updates the quantity of ResourceX on the Resources table. It then writes each request and its success status to the Logs table. It then retrieves all of the requests from Requests where requestType = RequestX again, etc.

It may be slightly more efficient to use an autoincrement integer as the Requests primary key, and to have ProcessX sort by primary key instead of by timestamp.

One option is to assign one DAOThread per resource - this thread is the only thing that accesses that resource's database table so that there's no locking at the database level. Workers (e.g. web sessions) request resource quantities using a concurrent queue - the example below uses a Java BlockingQueue, but most languages will have some sort of concurrent queue implementation you can use.

public class Request {
  final int value;
  final BlockingQueue<ReturnMessage> queue;

public class ReturnMessage {
  final int value;
  final String resourceType;
  final boolean isSuccess;

public class DAOThread implements Runnable {
  private final int MAX_CHANGES = 10;
  private String resourceType;
  private int quantity;
  private int changeCount = 0;
  private DBTable table;
  private BlockingQueue<Request> queue;

  public DAOThread(DBTable table, BlockingQueue<Request> queue) {
    this.table = table;
    this.resourceType ="resource_type");
    this.quantity ="quantity");
    this.queue = queue;

  public void run() {
    while(true) {
      Requester request = queue.take();
      if(request.value <= quantity) {
        quantity -= request.value;
        if(++changeCount > MAX_CHANGES) {
          changeCount = 0;
          table.update("quantity", quantity);
        request.queue.offer(new ReturnMessage(request.value, resourceType, true));
      } else {
        request.queue.offer(new ReturnMessage(request.value, resourceType, false));

public class Worker {
   final Map<String, BlockingQueue<Request>> dbMap;
   final SynchronousQueue<ReturnMessage> queue = new SynchronousQueue<>();

   public class WorkerThread(Map<String, BlockingQueue<Request>> dbMap) {
     this.dbMap = dbMap;

   public boolean request(String resourceType, int value) {
     dbMap.get(resourceType).offer(new Request(value, queue));
     return queue.take();

The Workers send resource requests to the appropriate DAOThread's queue; the DAOThread processes these requests in order, either updating the local resource quantity if the request's value doesn't exceed the quantity and returning a Success, else leaving the quantity unchanged and returning a Failure. The database is only updated after ten updates to reduce the amount of IO; the larger MAX_CHANGES is, the more complicated it will be to recover from system failure. You can also have a dedicated IOThread that does all of the database writes - this way you don't need to duplicate any logging or timing (e.g. there ought to be a Timer that flushes the current quantity to the database after every few seconds).

The Worker uses a SynchronousQueue to wait for a response from the DAOThread (a SynchronousQueue is a BlockingQueue that can only hold one item); if the Worker is running in its own thread the you may want to replace this with a standard multi-item BlockingQueue so that the Worker can process the ReturnMessages in any order.

There are some databases e.g. Riak that have native support for counters, so this might improve your IO thoughput and reduce or eliminate the need for a MAX_CHANGES.

You can further increase throughput by introducing BufferThreads to buffer the requests to the DAOThreads.

public class BufferThread implements Runnable {
  final SynchronousQueue<ReturnMessage> returnQueue = new SynchronousQueue<>();
  final int BUFFERSIZE = 10;

  private DAOThread daoThread;
  private BlockingQueue<Request> queue;
  private ArrayList<Request> buffer = new ArrayList<>(BUFFERSIZE);
  private int tempTotal = 0;

  public BufferThread(DAOThread daoThread, BlockingQueue<Request> queue) {
    this.daoThread = daoThread;
    this.queue = queue;

  public void run() {
    while(true) {
      Request request = queue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
      if(request != null) {
        tempTotal += request.value;
      if(buffer.size() == BUFFERSIZE || request == null) {
        daoThread.queue.offer(new Request(tempTotal, returnQueue));
        ReturnMessage message = returnQueue.take();
        if(message.isSuccess()) {
          for(Request request: buffer) {
            request.queue.offer(new ReturnMessage(request.value, daoThread.resourceType, message.isSuccess));
        } else {
          // send unbuffered requests to DAOThread to see if any can be satisfied
          for(Request request: buffer) {
        tempTotal = 0;

The Workers send their requests to the BufferThreads, who then wait until they've buffered BUFFERSIZE requests or have waited for 100ms for a request to come through the buffer (Request request = queue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)), at which point they forward the buffered message to the DAOThread. You can have multiple buffers per DAOThread - rather than sending a Map<String, BlockingQueue<Request>> to the Workers you instead send a Map<String, ArrayList<BlockingQueue<Request>>>, one queue per BufferThread, with the Worker either using a counter or a random number generator to determine which BufferThread to send a request to. Note that if BUFFERSIZE is too large and/or if you have too many BufferThreads then Workers will suffer from long pause times as they wait for the buffer to fill up.