Algolia vue instant search: Stack search results from searchStore

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In this example, Algolia increases the page number and stacks results on top of each other:

<ais-results :stack="true">

This means that during this method:

methods: {
  loadMore: function() {;

All the results load on top of each other.

I'd like to recreate this, but I'm using a custom component:

import { Component } from "vue-instantsearch"; 

export default {
  components: { "v-image": VImage },
  mixins: [Component],
  computed: {
    results() {
      return this.searchStore.results;
    rows() {
      var arr = this.results;
      var len = 3;
      var chunks = [],
        i = 0,
        n = arr.length;
      while (i < n) {
        chunks.push(arr.slice(i, (i += len)));
      return chunks;

Is there any way I can set the :stack="true" on my search store? I have been looking for a method to apply to the return this.searchStore.results;


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