Since Laravel Scout doesn't support more complex where clauses than simple numeric comparisons.
I checked the source code and I found the following lines
if (!empty($models = $model->getScoutModelsByIds($builder, $modelKeys))) {
$instances = $instances->merge($models->load($searchable->getRelations($modelClass)));
The instances is what is returned from Algolia search, so for example the following search essentially returns the $instances variable.
the $model is the searchable model and the getScoutModelsByIds what It basically does is a query to the database like
public function getScoutModelsByIds(){
$model->whereIn('id', $modelKeys)->get();
I was wondering if I apply any kind of where clauses or addSelect, or with eager loading, on the model before actually retrieving the data from the database, is it a good idea ?
For example
$model->where('some condition')->whereIn('id', $modelKeys)->get();
and instead of using lazy loading
$instances = $instances->merge($models->load($searchable->getRelations($modelClass)));
use the with function before retrieving the data from db.
For example
$model->where('some condition')->whereIn('id', $modelKeys)->with('relationships')->get();