Akka Actor hotswapping using rest api

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Upon calling a rest api, I would want to switch the actor's routing to another routes. Please see the below code.

Couple of questions:

  1. The code compiles fine but when the app is started and a http call is made, I get Configured registration timeout of 1 second expired, stopping message and i dont get any response from server.
  2. I want to be able to switch routing to another set of routes through api.


package com.example
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.io.IO
import spray.httpx.RequestBuilding._
import spray.http.MediaTypes._
import spray.routing.{RoutingSettings, RejectionHandler, ExceptionHandler, HttpService}
import spray.util.LoggingContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import spray.can.Http
import spray.http._
import akka.util.Timeout
import HttpMethods._
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.event.Logging
import scala.concurrent.duration._

case object Swap
class MyServiceActor extends Actor with MyService with akka.actor.ActorLogging {

  implicit def actorRefFactory = context
  import context._

  def receive = {
      case Swap =>
           become {
             case Swap => unbecome()
             case _    => runRoute(otherRoutes)
      case _ =>   runRoute(myRoute)

trait MyService extends HttpService { this: MyServiceActor =>

  implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(15.seconds)

  implicit val system = context.system

  val myRoute =
    path("") {
      get {
    } ~ path("swap") {

            self ! Swap

  val otherRoutes =path("") {
  get {
   } ~ path("swap") {
        self ! Swap


There are 2 answers


runRoute is a partially applied function, so you can't just write runRoute(routeName) to call it - it will just return another function (which handles routes) but without calling it; you should pass the request object explicitly:

def receive = {
      case Swap =>
           become {
             case Swap => unbecome()
             case x    => val f = runRoute(otherRoutes); f(x)
      case x => val f = runRoute(myRoute); f(x)

runRoute(route) returns function which handle "Connected" message. So that's why you're getting "registration timeout" error - you don't return this function from receive method. When you write def receive = runRoute(route) this function is used as handler and everything is fine. But when you write def receive = {case _ => runRoute(route)} nothing happens - receive function do nothing because function returned by runRoute(route) goes nowhere.

See, https://github.com/spray/spray/blob/master/spray-routing/src/main/scala/spray/routing/HttpService.scala

And also you can call become/unbecome right from your route because you already have MyServiceActor as self-type. When you use separate Swap message - actor may change its role a little bit after you receive successful "Swapped" response (role changing will occur asynchronously)

case object Swap
class MyServiceActor extends Actor with MyService with akka.actor.ActorLogging {

  implicit def actorRefFactory = context
  import context._

  def swapped = {
      case x => val f = runRoute(otherRoutes); f(x)

  def receive = {
      case x => val f = runRoute(myRoute); f(x)

trait MyService extends HttpService { this: MyServiceActor =>

  implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(15.seconds)

  implicit val system = context.system

  val myRoute = {
    pathSingleSlash {
      get {
    } ~ path("swap") {
        get {

  val otherRoutes = { 
   pathSingleSlash {
     get {
   } ~ path("swap") {

Updated: your path matchers are also incorrect. Use:

 pathSingleSlash {
 } ~ path("swap") {


 path("swap") {
 } ~ path("") { //matches everything else


Make sure that your actor registered as singleton in your Main:

import akka.io.IO
import spray.can.Http

implicit val system = ActorSystem()

val myListener: ActorRef = Props[MyServiceActor]

IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(myListener, interface = "localhost", port = 8080)


徐礼林 On

I also face the same problem, then you can set the server paras larger to reslove the problem

enter code here

val backlog = 50000
val standardConfig = ServerSettings("spray.can.server.ssl-encryption = off, spray.can.server.registration-timeout = 5s")
val config = standardConfig.copy(serverHeader = "REST API", sslEncryption = false, remoteAddressHeader = true)
val serviceActor = system.actorOf(Props[ApiServiceActor], "apiServiceActor")
IO(Http) ? Http.Bind(serviceActor, interface = "", ConfigurationHelper.Port, settings = Some(config), backlog = backlog)