ajaxStart/turbolinks:click are not fired when clicking on link using remote: true

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trying to show a spinner whenever a link with remote true is being clicked, tried both ways using turbolinks:events and ajaxStart/ajaxStop events. turboinks:load event is successfully fired, but :click isn't. both ajaxStart and ajaxStop do not work.

Using rails 6, turbolinks 5, webpacker. links are being generated in a very normal way example:

<%=link_to 'Documents', documents_path, remote: true %>

this code is placed in <head> </head> of application.html.erb

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).on("turbolinks:load", function(){
     alert('turbolinks load works');
      $(document).on("turbolinks:click", function(){
       alert('this doesnt work');

code using ajaxStart/ajaxStop alternatively placed also in application.html.erb

  alert('started ajax - doesnt work');

  alert('stopped ajax - doesnt work');


changed the event handling to the following:

var page_loaded = function() {

$(document).on("read page:load", page_loaded);

$(document).on("ajax:send", "a", function(xhr){
      $('.sk-cube-grid ').show()
}).on("ajax:complete", "a", function(data, status, xhr) {

This code shows() the .sk-cube-grid when ajax:starts but not hidden when :complete nor when :success.


There are 1 answers

Joel Blum On

Setting the remote: true option tells Rails to use UJS (unobtrusive javascript) to handle the ajax. This is not handled by Turbolinks so the Turbolinks event you are listening to isn't fired. You have two options: use UJS as you are but listen to the correct event: ajax:success or remove the remote: true and let Turbolinks handle it (and listen to turbolinks:load as you are doing now)