I am working on online Teaching Video Class Integration on which I have used Agora SDK.
So the requirement is very clear, I have 2 different users called Student & Teacher.
So while Launching Student App we need to make sure that All students who joined lecture should show in thumbnail & Teacher should show in Full Screen Video Mode.
But right now the issue is Teacher it self also showing in thumbnail mode on top of the application.
Here is my Student App Video Part Integration :
func launchAgora(uuid: String , token: String)
let appId = DATA_CONSTANT.appAgoraId // Your app ID
let rtmToken = token // Your signaling token
let userUuid = uuid // Your user ID
let class_type = Int(DATA_CONSTANT.dicAgoraMeetingClassData?.class_type ?? "4") ?? 4
let mediaOptions = AgoraEduMediaOptions(encryptionConfig: nil, videoEncoderConfig: nil, latencyLevel: .ultraLow, videoState: .on, audioState: .on)
let launchConfig = AgoraEduLaunchConfig(userName: "\(DATA_CONSTANT.dicuserData?.first_name ?? "") \(DATA_CONSTANT.dicuserData?.last_name ?? "")", // The user name
userUuid: userUuid, // The user ID
userRole: .student, // The user role
roomName: DATA_CONSTANT.dicAgoraMeetingClassData?.roomnaame ?? "", // The room name
roomUuid: DATA_CONSTANT.dicAgoraMeetingClassData?.roomid ?? "", // The room ID
roomType: AgoraEduRoomType(rawValue: class_type) ?? .small, // The room type, 0: One-to-one interactive teaching, 2: Big class, 4: Online interactive small class
appId: appId, token: rtmToken,
startTime: nil, // The starting time of the class
duration: NSNumber(value: 7200), // The class duration
region: AgoraEduRegion(rawValue: 3) ?? .AP, // The area
mediaOptions: mediaOptions, // Media stream related settings
userProperties: nil) // User properties defined by the developer
AgoraClassroomSDK.launch(launchConfig, success: launchSuccessBlock, failure: failureBlock)
Kindly help me out to get it resolved.
Any Help or suggestions will be Highly Appreciated.