Agora cloud recording not saving video to S3

1.8k views Asked by At

I'm trying to connect cloud recording from this tutorial (Agora Cloud Recording RESTful API) and getting 404 error on /v1/apps/{appid}/cloud_recording/resourceid/{resourceid}/sid/{sid}/mode/{mode}/query request, and video not saved to AWS s3 bucket


1 - POST:

Post body raw :

  "cname": "post39989_channel",
  "uid": "206666", # <- this is uniq id in channel
  "clientRequest": {}


 "resourceId": "nUwxxxx....xxxxxVTXt"

2 - POST:

"cname": "post39989_channel",
"uid": "206666", # <- this is uniq id in channel
"clientRequest": {
"recordingConfig": {
  "maxIdleTime": 100,
  "transcodingConfig": {
    "width": 640,
    "height": 480,
    "fps": 30,
    "bitrate": 1500,
    "backgroundColor": "#fff000"  
  "subscribeVideoUids":["20"], # <- this is id of user who will stream 
"storageConfig": {
  "accessKey": "AxxxxxxY",
  "secretKey": "2xxxxxxg",
  "region": 0, # US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
  "bucket": "my-bucket-name",
  "vendor": 1, # S3
  "fileNamePrefix": [


"resourceId": "nUwxxxx....xxxxxVTXt",
"sid": "feexxxxxxx784c"

3 - on Web recieving token for streamer user (id=20)

4 - start stream (stream works)

// Create a client
this.rtc.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode: "live", codec: "h264",areaCode: ['GLOBAL']});

5 - during stream trying to call GET :

and get response :

"resourceId": "nUwxxxx....xxxxxVTXt",
"sid": "feexxxxxxx784c",
"code": 404

same response if call POST: with data:

"cname": "post39989_channel",
"uid": "206666",
"clientRequest": {}

Any suggestions what I'm missing?


There are 1 answers

suja On

the uid with which you call acquire , start, stop should be a unique id which is not in channel.

A string that contains the user ID of the recording client, for example "527841". The UID needs to meet the following requirements: It is a 32-bit unsigned integer within the range between 1 and (232-1). It is unique and does not duplicate any existing UID in the channel. It is an integer; Cloud Recording does not support user account (which is a string), so all UIDs in the channel must be integers.

check this link

Also make sure your stream is running while you call query api.