What are the myths or misconceptions related to Agile?
There are lot of misconceptions related to Agile that an average new comer may fall into. What are the misconceptions in the Agile world and how do you justify that it is truly a misconception?
Update: Summary of Agile Myths
- Agile doesn't allow documentation
- Agile methods do not scale
- Agile means no plan
- TDD covers all the unit testing needs
- Pair programming always results in better code
- Agile is a silver bullet solution to software engineering problems (There is a silver bullet solution)
- Agile doesn't need up front design
- We're doing scrum so we don't need to do TDD, Refactoring Pair Programming, etc.
- One can learn Agile from a book
- Agile only works for trivial projects
- Agile always uses "User Stories"
Read the following answers for more information about above myths and for more myths.
"We're doing Scrum - so we don't need to (pair | refactor | do TDD | ...)" Actually the Scrum founders - Ken and Jeff have been saying that all the high-productivity scrum teams implement the full range of Extreme Programming practices.
Test-driven development won't find all the bugs / isn't easy to apply to everything - so we're not going to try! - Learning TDD isn't an "all or nothing deal" and you get better at judging what to test and how to do it efficiently. I've been doing it for ten years now and I'm still finding better ways to do it and new things to consider.
I can learn all I need to apply agile methods from a book. - You need to learn by doing and that often means coaching and meeting other people that can help. Lots of things go wrong when people just try to learn it from a book.
Hysterical (and quite real) "The candidate must take direction from, and support the scrum master" (From a job spec I was sent last week...) - The scrum master isn't supposed to tell people what to do. He/She is there to facilitate - i.e. to help the team learn to sort things out themselves. It's a massive failure mode - having a scrum master that "commands" people!
Talking about "the agile methodology" - big cluelessness indicator. Firstly, talking about "agile" like it's a specific thing whereas it's a very vague umbrella terms for many different things. Secondly, use of "the" agile methodology - there are loads of them, and loads of different ways of doing many of them! Thirdly, a lot of people in the agile community got here in the backlash against the big, heavy UML-laden methods of the nineties. These people don't tend to use the word "methodology"...
You need especially talented people to develop software the agile way. Jeff Sutherland says that they considered using the "chief programmer team" model for managing teams in banks - but found they didn't have anything like enough "chiefs". Scrum is designed to get best productivity out of a lot of moderately able programmers. In fact removing one, disproportionately productive team member that doesn't want to help the others can "unblock" the mediocre team members and bring their combined productivity up to more than compensate for the super-productive former team member... That's what Jeff says anyway...
There are quite a few other XP-related ones that we came up with in an open space workshop that I led recently: http://xpday-london.editme.com/WhereHasXpGone