My state machine has a self loop every time some request event is created. I want to store these events in a local context list against a key and everytime this self loop is executed an element is appended to the list. Then this list after a certain expiry period ,of say 1 Hour , is added to global context of SCXML. How can I achieve this?
Basically I want to aggregate the requests before I trigger a particular action.
<state id="S02" label="REQUEST CREATED">
<action:trigger id="ACC1" name="EXPIRY_EVENT_expiry.sm00007" />
<transition event="expiry.sm00007" target="S03">
<action:trigger id="ACC2" name="TO_DO_SOMETHING" />
// add the local event list to global context
<transition event=reqCreated" target="S02" >
// keep adding the event to local context like appending to list
In the SCXML spec, all datamodel variables are global so there's not really a "local" context. But you could use a key to index into a JavaScript object. Something like: