aggregate() with weighted mean in R

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I have a dataset like this:

data.frame(car brand, car model, car sold, co2 emission)

And I want to get the total nb sold per car brand. So I did this:

x <- aggregate(carsold ~ carbrand, data=data.frame, FUN=sum)

Then, I want to get the average co2 emission per car brand.

y <- aggregate(co2emission ~ carbrand, data=data.frame, FUN=mean)

And finally I merge x and y

z <- merge(x, y, by="carbrand")

So I get this

data.frame(car brand, nb sold, average co2 emission)

Problem: in the dataset, nb of car sold may be different for each item. So sometimes, for one model I have 3 cars sold with a certain co2 emission, sometimes 1.

How can I aggregate the nb of car sold per car brand with the weighted average of co2 emission ?



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