After updating my Jekyll site from version 3 to 4, my Ruby folder (saasc-2.4.0) becomes very big! How to prevent accumulating precious build time?

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I am updating my Jekyll JAMstack site from Jekyll 3 to 4, and suddenly my Ruby folder becomes extremely big, compared to what it was.

My site used to be around 20-30MB. it suddenly went to over 150MB?

Is this normal, can I not keep it smaller?

I see that the largest chunk is located inside vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/... i.e. the gems folder.

By far the largest folder inside the gems folder is the sassc-2.4.0 folder! It is over 120MB in size?

See also is there any way to fix this? The bottom post says:

We avoid rebuilding binary gems altogether by hosting our own gem repo with geminabox and gem-compiler, but due to rubygems/rubygems#3174 the repo can only host binary gems built for musl (and a single musl version at that).

How to do this?


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