Sometimes when I run my Python script which calls shp2pgsql
to upload a new table to the database, when I view this table in pgadmin, it appears with blank column names:
This one has column names
Usually when I run the script again it fixes the problem, and pgadmin displays a message about database vacuuming. Honestly the problem is my boss because he takes this as a sign there is something wrong with my code and we can't move forward until he sees the names in pgadmin (by chance when I demonstrated the script it was the 1/10 time that it messed up without the column names).
In postgres is it even possible to have a table without column names?
Here is the vacuum message
Here is the output from psql
's \d
(assume XYZ is the name of the project and the name of the db)
xyz => \d asmithe.intersect
Table "asmithe.intersect"
Column | Type | Modifiers
gid | integer | not null default nextval('intersect
fid_xyz_09 | integer |
juris_id | character varying(2) |
xyz_plot | numeric |
poly_id | character varying(20) |
layer | character varying(2) |
area | numeric |
perimeter | numeric |
lid_dist | integer |
comm | character varying(252) |
cdate | character varying(30) |
sdate | character varying(30) |
edate | character varying(30) |
afsdate | character varying(30) |
afedate | character varying(30) |
capdate | character varying(30) |
salvage | double precision |
pb_harv | double precision |
utotarea | numeric |
nbacvers | character varying(24) |
totarea | numeric |
areamoda | numeric |
areamodb | numeric |
areamodt | double precision |
areamodv | numeric |
area_intr | numeric |
dist_perct | numeric |
id | double precision |
floodid | double precision |
basr | double precision |
floodmaps | double precision |
floodmapm | double precision |
floodcaus | double precision |
burnclas | double precision |
geom | geometry(MultiPolygon,13862) |
"intersect_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
Quitting and restarting usually does fix it.
It is possible to create a table with zero columns:
but not a zero-width column name:
though a column name composed only of a space is permissible:
Please show the output from
command if this happens. With only (heavily edited) screenshots I can't tell you anything more useful.If I had to guess I'd say it's probably a drawing bug in PgAdmin.
Update: The
message is normal after big changes to a table. Read the message, it explains what is going on. There is no problem there.There's nothing wrong with the
output, and since quitting and restarting PgAdmin fixes it, I'm pretty confident you've hit a PgAdmin bug related to drawing or catalog access. If it happens on the current PgAdmin version and you can reproduce it with a script you can share with the public, please post a report on the pgadmin-support mailing list.