After adding a function to use a renamed file, the program won't find the text string anymore

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Okay, the title may be a bit vague. I honestly don't even know how to phrase the question.

The program tries to find a string of text inside a file, and then print the entire line that the string is on.

While testing, I created a file with the string I wanted to find as the only contents of the file:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <Wininet.h>
#include <stdio.h>


std::cout << "Creating a document...\n"; //this is test code that creates a sample document with "string" inside it.
std::ofstream write; ("test.txt");                 //actual file creation
write << "[TEMPORARY]string[TEST]\n";    //print into the document
std::cout << "Document created.\n";      //end message

When I use this configuration, the program finds "string" and outputs [TEMPORARY]string[TEST] as expected.

However, this layout was only to be used in testing, so after confirming it worked, I wanted to test renaming the file that I would actually be using in order to find the same string.

I copied the file, and wrote a program to rename it to a text file so it would be easier to read from:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <Wininet.h>
#include <stdio.h>


std::cout << "Changing extension to txt...\n";
//int result; //making variable to store result of following code. potential warning fix.
char oldname[] = "data.ldb"; //set up rename variables
char newname[] = "string.txt"; //same as ^
rename(oldname, newname); //change the ldb to txt so we can read from it.
std::cout << "Extension changed.\n"; //this code block produces a warning. please fix. low priority.

If changing ldb to txt is a stupid idea and won't work, let me know of any workarounds.

After I did this, the program does not find the string. Opening the file with notepad as an ldb or a txt shows the string exists.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <Wininet.h>
#include <stdio.h>


std::cout << "Attempting to get line with word \"string...\"\n";
    std::ifstream input;                                //"input" is what we are using to read the file. 
    size_t pos;                                         //size_t has something to do with finding text.
    std::string line;                                   //this is what we save the line to."string.txt");                           //open the document with the string.
    if (input.is_open()) {                              //if we are in the file...
        while (!input.eof()) {                          //get a line from it..."
            getline(input, line);
            pos = line.find("string");                  //that says "string."
            if (pos != std::string::npos) {             //if we find it...
                std::cout << "Line found!"              //print "Line found!"
                "                   \n"                 //(this is to remove the "i couldn't find it" message.)
                "The line is...\n\n";               
                std::cout << line;                      //and then print the line we found.
                std::cout << "\n\nSaving to file...\n"; 
                std::ofstream grab;                     //now open a new file...
      "grabbedstring.txt");         //called "grabbedstring,"
                grab << line;                           //print the line to it,
                grab.close();                           //and close the file.
                std::cout << "Saved to file \"grabbedstring.txt";         //We did it! :D
            else {
                std::cout << "I couldn't find it, sorry.\n"             //we didn't do it... D:
    else {
        std::cout << "I couldn't open the file, sorry.\n";               //we didn't even come close... ;-;
    std::cout << "\n\nEnd of code so far.\n"
        "Completed successfully!\n";

The program outputs "I couldn't find it, sorry.\n".

Honestly, I think it has something to do with the file conversion as it works with a text file created within the program itself, but i don't see much wiggle room there.

When I open the new text file in a text editor after the program fails, it works just fine.


After further testing, this might be situational. I created a sample ldb file with a string in it, and it worked. I tried pushing it way down to the bottom and it worked. I tried the original file, and it doesn't. it might actually just be unable to print some of the characters that are in the file. This may require a very complicated workaround, and it may even be impossible; or, it could be simple...I don't know. I will conduct further testing and if I solve the problem I will close the question.

It also doesn't save to the document, so it must be a problem within the if statement.

EDIT2: updated code, still not working. further testing concludes it might be a problem with the way the source file... well... is. it might be too long, it might be too complex, it might be impossible. i am seriously puzzled with this one. the code works fine in any other situation, so if you need something similar feel free to grab this and use it while i try and make it work for what I need.

oh yeah and thanks for the formatting, casey.


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