Affiliate API of AliExpress (Taobao) - get products info

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Maybe you can help me. I am using the Affiliate API of AliExpress (Taobao) to get list of products by search key. It looks like this:

AliexpressAffiliateProductQueryResponse rsp = runAliExpressRequest(requestSiteReport);
ArrayList<AliexpressAffiliateProductQueryResponse.Product> itemsList = rsp.getRespResult().getResult().getProducts();

Sometimes their are product that includes inside them other products (like a group). My question is: how can I know if a product is single or a group and how can I get all the products inside the group?

I tried the end point "" with the param: method=aliexpress.affiliate.product.query And I get the products, but i expected that in each product will be param that called products_sons that will include all the product inside the product father or empty if the father product is a single product.


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