Is there any out of the box implementation to act AEM as IDP for another application by SAML. I have googled about this and found there is OOTB configuration for AEM to act as a service provider (SP). Please provide informtion or references to make AEM as IDPso that the users in the AEM are authorised to use some other service provider by using single sign on (SSO). Thanks in advance.
AEM as IDP( Identity Provider) for CRM using SAML
388 views Asked by user2784095 At
Out of the box, AEM (at least as of AEM version 6.2) can only play the Service Provider (SP) role in a federation supporting the SAML 2.0 Web Browser SSO profile.
You would need to deploy one of the supported SAML 2.0 IdP in order to implement seamless cross domain browsing for your users.