AdonisJS - Type Error in Controller Test for loginAs() function

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I would need your help regarding a type error on the argument of the loginAs() function in a controller test.

Context: I have set up authentication for 2 different models (User & Facility), everything works perfectly via Postman calls. My Facility model can have multiple Offers, and an Offer belongs to a Facility. My controller test makes a request to this URL: /api/v1/facilities/${}/offers, it's a nested route, protected with Facility authentication and guard.

Here is my test code:

import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import Facility from 'App/Models/Facility'
import { FacilityFactory } from 'Database/factories/FacilityFactory'
import { status, json } from '../../../shared-examples''#GET /api/v1/facilities/:facility_id/offers', (group): void => {
  let facility: Facility

  group.each.setup(async (): Promise<void> => {
    facility = await FacilityFactory.with('offers', 20).create()
    await facility.load('offers')

  test('returns 200 status', async ({ client }): Promise<void> => {
    const response = await client
      .loginAs(facility) // The type argument [Facility] is not assignable to the type parameter never

    status(response, 200)

My test passes without issues, but I have an error during the build on .loginAs(facility), which is as follows: The type argument [Facility] is not assignable to the type parameter never. Here is the typing of the loginAs() function: loginAs(...args: never): ApiRequest from Adonis.

I can't understand this error. Here is the link to the Adonis documentation for the usage of loginAs(): Adonis Doc

If you have any ideas, I'm all ears

Thank you very much


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