I am trying to display an interstitial in LibGDX after the title screen. I implemented the official github code: https://github.com/TheInvader360/tutorial-libgdx-google-ads/commit/0a5ea376d4eb92b8e87c13a03245adb40b53e811
The code is working fine but I think I'm missing something because whenever I call the showOrLoadInterstital() function, it displays a banner. I want to display a full screen ad instead.
In the code I see an adView being initialized with settings for a banner, but the mentioned function showOrLoadInterstital() uses the InterstitialAd, which is correct. As a beginning game developer (but not beginning developer in general), I am not getting the hang of this, especially those two different ad types together.
Could someone tell me what I am missing here? Should showOrLoadInterstital() just not show a full ad when I call it in my Game class?