I would like to add a new button with a link to a custom url on the addThis slideBar generated by using addThis Smart Layer Api (you can have a look at the documentation here)
I would like to add a custom service that is just a link to a precise page. Is it possible?
Here is the sample of the code I use to generate the side bar.
'theme': 'transparent',
'share': {
'position': 'left',
'services': 'facebook,twitter,google_plusone_share,pinterest_share,print,more'
The addthis creates a division with id #at4-share and creates the links within it, try to prepend ( or append ) using jquery an "a" element similar to the elements created by the addthis plugin in this div, and create a custom class similar to aticon-print in your css and set your custom icon.
I haven't tried it though but i think it shall work.