Adding subtitles to AVPlayer video

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I am using an AVPlayerView to display some local videos from my Apps Bundle directory. Now I want to add the ability to display subtitles for increased accessibility of my content.

Since I’m the programmer, filmmaker as well as the one who has to create the subtitles, I am open to any subtitle-formats & solutions. I discovered a few common formats (.srt, .scc), but however, I am wondering how to work with them "programmatically" using AVPlayer.

I initialize videos like:

let myVideoPlayer = AVQueuePlayer(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/myPath"))

If you play subtitled videos in QuickTime for example, it is enough to have both files (subtitles & video) in the same directory. I couldn’t find any hints or solutions like adding a subtitle-file-url to the AVPlayer, which I would expect. It seems that’s not the right approach?

Other threads mention that AVPlayers closedCaptionDisplayEnabled works well with Closed Caption tracks. But again that brings me to the question: How can I display subtitles with AVPlayer from a separate file (like .srt, .scc)?


There are 3 answers


I ended up with the following workaround: Exporting my material from Final Cut Pro X as .m4v, creating subtitles manually with SRT Edit Pro and then adding them to the videofile with Subler, so I have just one file in the end. This way AVPlayer / QuickTime automatically detects the subtitle-track.

Miroslav Hrivik On

I used ixany's suggestion (add subtitles to video file), but then I had to force AVPlayer to display subtitles using this code:

let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
if let group = playerItem.asset.mediaSelectionGroup(forMediaCharacteristic: .legible) {
    let locale = Locale(identifier: "en-EN")
    let options = AVMediaSelectionGroup.mediaSelectionOptions(from: group.options, with: locale)
    if let option = options.first {, in: group)

And beware of testing this in simulator. For me this works only on real device.

Praveen Bishnoi On

This is perfect answer for adding close caption in AVPlayer. Need to just paste this code in your code. Thanks

let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
if let group = playerItem.asset.mediaSelectionGroup(forMediaCharacteristic: .legible) {
    let locale = Locale(identifier: "en")
    let options = AVMediaSelectionGroup.mediaSelectionOptions(from: group.options, with: locale)
    if let option = options.first {, in: group)