I have a web farm setup correctly with 7 servers on it, I used IIS Webfarm GUI to add these server. Now I want to use the command prompt because I have to add more then 50 servers and don't want to do that task manually. Following is the command to that I have seen working from command prompt but unfortuantly I am not able to find attribute for httpPort number.
appcmd.exe set config -section:webFarms /+"[name='myServerFarm'].[address='']" /commit:apphost
I have tried this command with "port", "httpPort" attributes with no avail.
Can anyone please show me the command to add a server with HTTP port. Thanks
You should be able to do it with powershell and the Web Farm Framework cmdlets.
Web Farm Framework Cmdlets
Look for the heading "Adding a Server to a Server Farm Using the cmdlets"