I am trying to add new payments in a batch to quickbooks using XML requests to Quickbooks Web Connector, my request for a single payment looks like this
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="2.1"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<ListID>' . $arr['customerRef'] . '</ListID>
<TxnDate>' . $arr['dateTime'] . '</TxnDate>
<RefNumber>' . $arr['paymentRefNum'] . '</RefNumber>
<TotalAmount>' . $arr['totalAmt'] . '</TotalAmount>
<FullName>' . $arr['paymentMethodRef'] . '</FullName>
<Memo>' . $arr['paymentMethodRef'] . '</Memo>
<TxnID>' . $arr['paymentRefNum'] . '</TxnID>
<PaymentAmount>' . $arr['totalAmt'] . '</PaymentAmount>
return $xml;
I was using this as a template and I can get a payment in to Quickbooks but I need to find out how to handle multiple payments in one XML request as it should be going in as a batch. If anyone has any insight they can provide that would really help. I have searched the Intuit developer documents and some other ones like ConsoliByte's wiki and I only see single requests.
Repeat the ReceivePaymentAdd section.