Adding functionality to a button at the end of each row of the interactive report

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I am using Oracle Apex 4.2, on Internet Explorer 9 . I have created an Interactive report based on view(s) created in oracle database (11g, Release (Workspace = database schema) I am using the value of rownum to act as a key to identify different rows.

I have created a "Download" button at the end of each row in the interactive report: code as

select V_DOCPERSON.key as key,
   '<input type="button" value="Download" >'  as "Download",
    V_DOCPERSON.DOCNUMBER as "Document Number",
    V_DOCPERSON."Person or Group" as "Person or Group",
    V_DOCPERSON.DOCNAME as "Document Name",
    V_DOCPERSON.ACCESSRIGHTS as "Access Rights",
    V_DOCPERSON.TYPIST as "Typist",
    V_DOCPERSON.AUTHOR as "Author",
    V_DOCPERSON.VERSION as "Version",
    V_DOCPERSON.VERSION_LABEL as "Version Label",
    V_DOCPERSON."FILE LOCATION" as "File Location"

Whenever the user clicks the "Download" button at the end of the corresponding row, I want the value of "File Location" to be copied , a "Save as" dialogue box popped up asking the user where to save the corresponding file.

Probable solution: I created a column link on "Docname", based on Awads Blog thought to do the upload(Files are stored on remote Fileserver, location of which is "File Location") and download to the Oracle directory in the background for the respective "File Location" selected by the user. Finally display the 'Download' link to the file, asking the user to perform "Save As" operation by the browser to download to the respective location.

Issue is, I am not able to pass the values of the file location to the blob table as it is done via an API.

Any ideas or alternate solutions ?

Your help is highly appreciated

P.S : I am a newbie to Oracle Apex, kindly keep your solutions simple would be beneficial.


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