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Adding custom named colors generated by Tailwind

Asked by At

Is there a way to assign custom colors in a way that allows Tailwind to generate meaningful semantic names?

For example, I'd like to have a collection of success colors that can be applied like this:

  • bg-success => Tailwind generates #F6FFED behind the scene
  • border-success => Tailwind generates #B7EB8F
  • text-success => Tailwind generates #135200
  • ... and so on


Here's what I ended up doing but not sure if it's the best approach.

module.exports = {
  content: [...],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      backgroundColor: ({ theme }) => ({
        error: theme(''),
        info: theme(''),
        success: theme(''),
        warning: theme(''),
      borderColor: ({ theme }) => ({
        error: theme(''),
        info: theme(''),
        success: theme(''),
        warning: theme(''),
      textColor: ({ theme }) => ({
        error: theme(''),
        info: theme(''),
        success: theme(''),
        warning: theme(''),
  plugins: [...],

With that implementation, I am able to then recall generated colors I outlined in my question above.

  <div class="bg-success border-success text-success border-2">
    Hello world!

But again, I'm not sure if this is the best approach.

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