I am working on a client site that has two blocks of blog content (enclose in the article tags below) on the home page, and I need to move the title and date of the blocks to the end of them. I was able to move the title by moving this:
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
to the location I wanted in functions.php (shown below). However, I changed it in the parent file and I know that's a bad idea.
But I can't figure out which part of this code I'm supposed to copy and paste into my child functions.php file, and everything I try ends up giving me just a blank screen. I'm still learning PHP, so I'm not sure how to copy for correct syntax. (Sorry for copying so much code, just really confused.)
I'm also not sure which part of move for changing the location of the date (the date class is "post-meta").
Can someone help?
The site is abundancepractice-building.flywheelsites.com.
add_shortcode( 'et_pb_blog', 'et_pb_blog' );
function et_pb_blog( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'module_id' => '',
'module_class' => '',
'fullwidth' => 'on',
'posts_number' => 10,
'include_categories' => '',
'meta_date' => 'M j, Y',
'show_thumbnail' => 'on',
'show_content' => 'off',
'show_author' => 'on',
'show_date' => 'on',
'show_categories' => 'on',
'show_pagination' => 'on',
'offset_number' => 0,
'background_layout' => 'light',
'show_more' => 'off',
), $atts
) );
global $paged;
$container_is_closed = false;
if ( 'on' !== $fullwidth ){
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-masonry-3' );
$background_layout = 'light';
$args = array( 'posts_per_page' => (int) $posts_number );
$et_paged = is_front_page() ? get_query_var( 'page' ) : get_query_var( 'paged' );
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$paged = $et_paged;
if ( '' !== $include_categories )
$args['cat'] = $include_categories;
if ( ! is_search() ) {
$args['paged'] = $et_paged;
if ( '' !== $offset_number && ! empty( $offset_number ) ) {
$args['offset'] = (int) $offset_number;
query_posts( $args );
if ( have_posts() ) {
while ( have_posts() ) {
$post_format = get_post_format();
$thumb = '';
$width = 'on' === $fullwidth ? 1080 : 400;
$width = (int) apply_filters( 'et_pb_blog_image_width', $width );
$height = 'on' === $fullwidth ? 675 : 250;
$height = (int) apply_filters( 'et_pb_blog_image_height', $height );
$classtext = 'on' === $fullwidth ? 'et_pb_post_main_image' : '';
$titletext = get_the_title();
$thumbnail = get_thumbnail( $width, $height, $classtext, $titletext, $titletext, false, 'Blogimage' );
$thumb = $thumbnail["thumb"];
$no_thumb_class = '' === $thumb || 'off' === $show_thumbnail ? ' et_pb_no_thumb' : '';
if ( in_array( $post_format, array( 'video', 'gallery' ) ) ) {
$no_thumb_class = '';
} ?>
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( 'et_pb_post' . $no_thumb_class ); ?>>
if ( ! in_array( $post_format, array( 'link', 'audio', 'quote' ) ) ) {
if ( 'video' === $post_format && false !== ( $first_video = et_get_first_video() ) ) :
'<div class="et_main_video_container">
elseif ( 'gallery' === $post_format ) :
elseif ( '' !== $thumb && 'on' === $show_thumbnail ) :
if ( 'on' !== $fullwidth ) echo '<div class="et_pb_image_container">'; ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
<?php print_thumbnail( $thumb, $thumbnail["use_timthumb"], $titletext, $width, $height ); ?>
if ( 'on' !== $fullwidth ) echo '</div> <!-- .et_pb_image_container -->';
} ?>
<?php if ( 'off' === $fullwidth || ! in_array( $post_format, array( 'link', 'audio', 'quote', 'gallery' ) ) ) { ?>
<?php if ( ! in_array( $post_format, array( 'link', 'audio' ) ) ) { ?>
<?php } ?>
if ( 'on' === $show_author || 'on' === $show_date || 'on' === $show_categories ) {
printf( '<p class="post-meta">%1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s</p>',
'on' === $show_author
? sprintf( __( 'by %s', 'Divi' ), et_get_the_author_posts_link() )
: ''
( 'on' === $show_author && 'on' === $show_date )
? ' | '
: ''
'on' === $show_date
? sprintf( __( '%s', 'Divi' ), get_the_date( $meta_date ) )
: ''
(( 'on' === $show_author || 'on' === $show_date ) && 'on' === $show_categories)
? ' | '
: ''
'on' === $show_categories
? get_the_category_list(', ')
: ''
if ( 'on' === $show_content ) {
global $more;
$more = null;
the_content( __( 'read more...', 'Divi' ) );
} else {
if ( has_excerpt() ) {
} else {
truncate_post( 270 );
$more = 'on' == $show_more ? sprintf( ' <a href="%1$s" class="more-link" >%2$s</a>' , esc_url( get_permalink() ), __( 'read more', 'Divi' ) ) : '';
echo $more;
} ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php } // 'off' === $fullwidth || ! in_array( $post_format, array( 'link', 'audio', 'quote', 'gallery' ?>
</article> <!-- .et_pb_post -->
} // endwhile
if ( 'on' === $show_pagination && ! is_search() ) {
echo '</div> <!-- .et_pb_posts -->';
$container_is_closed = true;
if ( function_exists( 'wp_pagenavi' ) )
get_template_part( 'includes/navigation', 'index' );
} else {
get_template_part( 'includes/no-results', 'index' );
$posts = ob_get_contents();
$class = " et_pb_bg_layout_{$background_layout}";
$output = sprintf(
'<div%5$s class="%1$s%3$s%6$s">
( 'on' === $fullwidth ? 'et_pb_posts' : 'et_pb_blog_grid clearfix' ),
esc_attr( $class ),
( ! $container_is_closed ? '</div> <!-- .et_pb_posts -->' : '' ),
( '' !== $module_id ? sprintf( ' id="%1$s"', esc_attr( $module_id ) ) : '' ),
( '' !== $module_class ? sprintf( ' %1$s', esc_attr( $module_class ) ) : '' )
if ( 'on' !== $fullwidth )
$output = sprintf( '<div class="et_pb_blog_grid_wrapper">%1$s</div>', $output );
return $output;
This big
bellow are printing the data ( and other info if needed):You can move it where you want. :)