Adding an Owl component to an existing view in Odoo 16

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I have an existing Odoo 16 application with a working view that contains the following inside a Form view:

            <page name="plan_vehicles" string="Vehicles">
                <field name="vehicle_time_ids"/>

I want to add another page to the notebook that will display an Owl component. I have tried to extract the required code from the official tutorial, so I have the following code:


        <template id="transport.stops" name="Awesome T-Shirt thank you">
                    <t t-call-assets="transport.assets"/>



    /** @odoo-module **/
    import { browser } from "@web/core/browser/browser";
    import { mount } from "@odoo/owl";
    import { Stops } from "./stops";
    // The following code ensures that owl mount the component when ready.
    // `templates` contains templates contained in the bundles.
    // In the mount options, it's also possible to add other interresting
    // configuration:
    import { templates } from "@web/core/assets";
    owl.whenReady( () => {
        mount(Stops, document.body, { templates, dev: true });


    /** @odoo-module **/
    import { Component, useState } from "@odoo/owl";
    export class Stops extends Component {
        static template = "transport.stops";


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <templates xml:space="preserve">
        <t t-name="transport.stops" owl="1">
            <div class="p-3">
                hello world

    'assets': {
            'web.assets_backend': [
            'web.assets_qweb': [
            'transport.assets': [
                # bootstrap
                ('include', 'web._assets_helpers'),
                ('include', 'web._assets_bootstrap'),
                'web/static/src/libs/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css', # required for fa icons
                'web/static/src/legacy/js/promise_extension.js', # required by boot.js
                'web/static/src/boot.js', # odoo module system
                'web/static/src/env.js', # required for services
                'web/static/src/session.js', # expose __session_info__ containing server information
                'web/static/lib/owl/owl.js', # owl library
                'web/static/lib/owl/odoo_module.js', # to be able to import "@odoo/owl"
  • the import of the template.xml file in the data list.

I think I am missing two things:

  • how does the Owl template stops.xml relate to the template in templates.xml and
  • how to add the the component/template to a new page in my notebook so that I can see the 'hello world'.

There are 1 answers

kpg On

What I was missing was to register the component. At the ent of the javascript field I added this line:


I could then add the component to my view like this:

<field name="trip_summary" widget="stops"/>